License for General Use of BRASS

BRASS is licensed free of charge, subject
to the conditions of use as set out below (see the
section "Conditions of Use"), to the general limitations
as set out below (see the section "General Limitations")
and as long as the copyright is respected
(see the section "Copyright").

Conditions of Use

BRASS may be distributed and copied to others,
provided that the whole suite is transferred as embodied
in its distributed self executable file, apart from authorized
updates. Neither the original versions nor any derived or
modified versions may be sold or incorporated into any commercially
distributed system, without the express permission in writing
of the relevant copyright holders. These terms shall be binding
on all subsequent recipients.

General Limitations

Although every effort has been made to ensure that BRASS
operates correctly and in accordance with its documentation, it
is distributed strictly "as is". Responsibility for interpreting
its output lies exclusively within the user and no liability direct
or indirect shall be incurred by any author or distributor for any
losses that may result from its operation, output or any interpretation
of its output. It is the position of the contributing authors that,
since the output can only contain suggestions for informed evaluation
by the user, no reasonable use of the system can give rise to any
liability. It is a condition for using BRASS that, as user,
you understand and accept these limitations.


BRASS is freely available, but it is not public domain.
Copyright in all its parts is asserted by and reserved by the
authors. All published results should refer to:

The Bremen Rietveld Analysis and Structure Suite. Zentrallabor für
Kristallographie und Angewandte Materialwissenschaften, Fachbereich
Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen

aktualisiert am 2. Oktober 2023 von T. Messner, FB 05, Universität Bremen